Monday Matinees: Historical Documentations by PBS Delta Broadcasting
TRACKS THROUGH TIME: MICHIGAN RAILROADS - HISTORY & IMPACT Railroads were vital to Michigan's growth, fostering the settlement of new towns and the rise of many of the state's industries. The train forever changed the way people lived as fresh food could be shipped great distances and communication gaps between cities miles apart could be bridged. Above all, the railroads broadened people’s view of the world and their place in it because, for the first time, people were now afforded a new freedom – the ability to be mobile. Trains allowed people to move more freely to find work, start a new life, or embrace the concept of traveling for pleasure.
Monday Matinees: Historical Documenta...Date and Time
Monday Dec 11, 2023
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM ESTDecember 11 at 1 PM
The Historical Museum of Bay County, 321 Washington Ave. Bay City, MI
FREE/ donations are welcome
Contact Information
989-893-5733 or info@bchsmuseum.org
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