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  • About Us:

    Our Mission:

    The mission of Energize is to attract, engage and retain young professionals in the Great Lakes Bay Region.

    Our Vision:

    The Vision of Energize is to enhance the Great Lakes Bay Region by cultivating business relationships, developing leadership roles, and ultimately retaining young professionals for economic growth in the greater Bay Area.


    Stay Connected

    Follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn for updates and information on events. 


    For More Information

    Contact Annabelle Schweiger, Marketing & Membership Manager, by calling (989) 893-4567 ex.230 or email Annabelle@baycityarea.com.

  • Did you know that you can get a FREE Energize membership?

    Join Energize YPN for free when your employer is a member of the Bay Area Chamber of Commerce or with a valid student ID.

    Click HERE for a general membership application and HERE for a Sub-Committee Committee Application.