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  • Welcome to the Bay Area Chamber!

    Since 1882, the Bay Area Chamber of Commerce has been the premier business leadership organization providing cutting-edge, value-added services to all members of the Bay Area business community, including the Great Lakes Bay Region.  We serve as an ambassador and a liaison between business and other sectors of the Bay Area.

  • Mark Your Calendar Mark Your Calendar

    Every Day is Beautiful in Green Valley

    With a wide variety of events and opportunities, Green Valley has something to offer everyone. Celebrate the fun of the Minnesota State Fair with us each summer. Enjoy a scenic stroll through our many parks or play a round of golf at one of our three courses. Have your picture taken with the World’s Largest Owl and marvel at all the beautiful outdoor murals throughout the town.

    Our community offers a thriving economy, superb schools, traditional values, faith and fellowship, helpful services, and many entertainment options. Green Valley is truly the ideal place for new ventures and new growth because every day is abeautiful day.

  • Learn More Learn More

  • Discover why over 700 organizations have joined and become a part of the moving force to improve the economic climate, business environment and quality of living in the Bay Area and Great Lakes Bay Region.

    Read More »

  • Bay County is located 100 miles north of Detroit, at the south end of Saginaw Bay on Lake Huron and is an integral part of the Great Lakes Bay Region of the lower peninsula of Michigan close to the city, the country, the woods and the lakes.

    Read More »

  • Get Involved Get Involved

    Membership in the Bay Area Chamber of Commerce doesn't cost...it pays!

    Take advantage of everything the Chamber has to offer. Attend events so you are able to be a referral and make referrals to consumers in your professional and personal life. Building quality relationships is key to the success of your business.

    Numerous volunteer opportunities exist for interested Chamber members to serve on committees and work groups.

    For more information on how you can get involved contact the Bay Area Chamber of Commerce at (989) 893-4567.

  • Newsletter Sign-Up

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